Indian Test captain Rohit Sharma has started preparing for the next test. Bangladesh are slated to tour India for a 2-match Test series in September, and the opener has gone all in to get ready for the red-ball series. The India vs Bangladesh Tests will be the starting point of a 3-month-long season for Team India. Captain Rohit has started warming up for the series. He was seen training under new assistant coach Abhishek Nayar last week and is getting match fit.
Rohit Sharma goes all in
Many people online ‘mocked’ Rohit Sharma for getting ‘fat’ during the T20 World Cup. Some even alleged that he altered an image to make himself look slim during India’s white-ball tour of Sri Lanka. With not just Bangladesh but also New Zealand and, most importantly, the Australia Test series coming up, Rohit’s decided it’s time to get in the best possible physique to dominate the coming Test swing.
- Ravindra Jadeja begins prep for IND vs BAN Tests at NCA after ‘skipping’ Duleep Trophy
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Virat Kohli & Rohit Sharma’s different approaches
The other Indian stalwart, Virat Kohli, is yet to start his preparations. The BCCI decided to rest the duo from the Duleep Trophy, the first-class competition, to avoid the senior statements getting injured. While Rohit toils hard in Mumbai, the former Test skipper has been in London with his family since the ODI series against Sri Lanka ended on August 7.
Coming from a hectic T20 schedule with the IPL and the World Cup back to back, both players have decided to take separate approaches. Barring Ravindra Jadeja and Jasprit Bumrah, all of the players in contention to make the Indian Test team will be playing in the Duleep Trophy. So, Rohit Sharma has decided to prepare in the nets for the India vs Bangladesh Test. Virat Kohli, meanwhile, has decided to rest for a little longer and get to the Test grind later.