India’s Neeraj Chopra won the silver medal at the Paris Olympics in javelin. As the star athlete tried his best, a groin injury held him back. After his event, Neeraj told the media that he was indeed suffering from an injury and would consult a doctor soon. He further added that there is also a hint of surgery if needed.
” I’m having a groin injury. I’ll consult a doctor soon. Maybe surgery,” Neeraj told after his javelin event.
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Neeraj fails to win Gold
There were high hopes on Neeraj Chopra to win the gold medal at the Paris Olympics. But that wouldn’t be the case. Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem reigned supreme with his throws. He broke the Olympic record twice during the event. However, it was his mammoth throw of 92.97 which earned Nadeem his maiden Olympic gold medal.
After the event, Neeraj’s mother also confirmed that his son has an injury. She claimed that the silver medal is like a gold for them. She further added that she would be cooking Neeraj’s favourite meal once the star boy returns to the country.
“Neeraj was injured. The silver is like a Gold Medal to us. I’ll cook his favourite meal once he returns,” Neeraj Chopra’s mother said.