Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat has reportedly increased her endorsement fees from Rs 25 lakh to Rs 75 lakh to Rs 1 crore. This comes in the backdrop of the wrestler’s brand value soaring post the Paris Olympics. Phogat missed out on a confirmed medal after being disqualified from the gold medal match for being 100 gm overweight on the day of the weigh-in.
Vinesh Phogat hikes endorsement fees
As per Economic Times, there has been a significant growth in Phogat’s brand value as opposed to before the Paris Olympics. This increase in brand value has prompted the wrestler to hike the fee for an endorsement deal. The retired wrestler’s move follows the footsteps of bronze medalist Manu Bhaker who also pulled off a same move days after her return from Paris Olympics.
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Just a day earlier, Vinesh Phogat’s husband Somvir Rathee rejected reports of the wrestler getting multiple cash rewards. He claimed that these reports were fake and were meant to gain popualrity in a cheap manner.
Vinesh Phogat’s exit from Paris Olympics
Phogat suffered a heartbreak at the Games after being disqualified from her gold medal bout for being 100 gm overweight on the day of the weigh-in. An appeal was filed with the Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS) but it went in vain as the court upheld the decision made earlier, depriving Vinesh off a well-deserved medal.