Dr. Disrespect becomes Angry after aim assist ruins the Warzone match: Dr. Disrespect often complains about aim assist in competitive shooters. Once again, he becomes angry after it ruins a warzone match. The aim assist is one of the most controversial additions in the history of competitive shooters. So, this conflict still remains and Dr. Disrespect once again showed his frustration.
Basically, A mouse and a keyboard ensure precision aim. However, In terms of analog sticks, they don’t provide the same accuracy. It leads the developers to add in a handicap of sorts. Moreover, the aim assist is a very good idea, especially when all gamers are on the console and get the same treatment. However, the same can’t be said for crossplay, where controller gamers can get an advantage.
Dr. Disrespect becomes Angry after an aim assist ruins a Warzone match, What happened? Check Details

During an October broadcast, He was bringing his signature violence, speed, and momentum to a warzone match. Doc found himself in a firefight with an enemy player. He was chasing the enemy and found himself at a positional advantage. However, the enemy won the duel. He saw the enemy using aim assist. Thereafter, he became angry and reacted that still, the enemy won the match. He told that it is like cheating. IT has come to this point that he would call them hacks. it’s very much unlikely that the debate will be over sooner rather than later. This is was all about the doc and his frustration with aim assist.
Dr. Disrespect becomes Angry after an aim assist ruins a Warzone match, What happened? Check Details,