Pubg Mobile Ban 909,827 Accounts: Pubg Bans accounts permanently, cheating and Hacks, how to avoid – Pubg Mobile is one of the most popular battle royale games in recent years. Using cheat codes and hacks are becoming normal in recent days. Pubg Mobile developers are working their best to remove those gamers from the game. Recently, Pubg Mobile has announced that they have banned 909,827 accounts permanently from the game. The players who have been banned will not be able to use the account to play in the future. So, today we will talk about Pubg Mobile Ban Pan.
Pubg Mobile Ban Accounts: Pubg Mobile is one of the leading esports battle royal games. Recently, when have seen that players are taking the option to gain advantages by taking a short route. They use Crossmark speed hacks and Cross mark-X-Ray vision, Aim Hacks, to gain an advantage in the game. Pubg Mobile has released that more than 900k users have used these kinds of hacks in the game. They banned these numbers of accounts from 17th September to 23rd September.
Pubg Mobile Ban 909,827 Accounts: Pubg Bans accounts permanently, cheating and Hacks, how to avoid
Pubg Mobile has officially said “The Ban Pan strikes again! From Sept 17th – 23rd, 909,827 accounts have been permanently suspended from our game. The majority of reasons were: Character Model Modification Auto Aim Hacks Speed Hacks “. So, this was the statement of Pubg on banning accounts.
Pubg Mobile Ban 909,827 Accounts: Pubg Bans accounts permanently, cheating and Hacks, how to avoid
29% of the banned gamers were from the Bronze category, 14%from Diamond, 10% from Platinum while 10% and 17% of them were from the Silver and crown category respectively. 13% of the users on the Ace level uses hacks. Moreover, at least 1% of them were from the Conqueror category.
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