Retirement notwithstanding, Dinesh Karthik is going to T20 World Cup 2024

Retirement notwithstanding, Dinesh Karthik is going to T20 World Cup 2024

T20 World Cup: This would not be the first time that Dinesh Karthik would be seen donning the hat of a commentator or broadcaster.

ICC on Friday announced the broadcast and commentary panel for the upcoming T20 World Cup 2024, in USA and the West Indies. Leading the charge would be former India coach Ravi Shastri, along with Nasser Hussain, Ian Smith, Mel Jones and Harsha Bhogle.

Dinesh Karthik Included in Panel

Not just the them, but the commentary panel for the T20 World Cup will also see recently retired Dinesh Karthik, who had a decent IPL 2024 as well. There would also be past World Cup winners like Ebony Rainford-Brent, Samuel Badree, Carlos Brathwaite, Steve Smith, Aaron Finch and Lisa Sthalekar.

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To cater to the American audiences, there would be James O’Brien – better known as Jomboy. The list doesn’t end there. There would be the presence of Dale Steyn, Graeme Smith, Michael Atherton, Waqar Younis, Simon Doull, Shaun Pollock and Katey Martin, including Mpumelelo Mbangwa, Natalie Germanos, Danny Morrison, Alison Mitchell, Alan Wilkins, Brian Murgatroyd, Mike Haysman, Ian Ward, Athar Ali Khan, Russel Arnold, Niall O’Brien, Kass Naidoo and former West Indies skipper Daren Ganga.

From Player to Full-time Commentator – Dinesh Karthik

Karthik went on to say, “This tournament will be different in many ways, which makes it even more exciting. With 20 teams, 55 matches, and some new venues, it’s a thrilling combination, and I can’t wait to dive in.

“Being part of such a high-class commentary team is a fantastic feeling, and commentating on players I have recently played with makes it even more interesting.”


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