WWE Smackdown Results & Highlights: Brock Lesnar gets suspended indefinitely, Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch exchanged their titles

WWE Smackdown Results & Highlights: Brock Lesnar gets suspended indefinitely, Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch exchanged their titles

WWE Smackdown- Smackdown Results and Highlights: Check out the big highlights and what happened on WWE Friday Night Smackdown Episode on 23rd Oct: The Crown Jewel fallout edition of Friday Night Smackdown aired from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, Kansas. The show kicked off with Roman Reigns calling out Brock Lesnar only to fall […]

WWE Smackdown- Smackdown Results and Highlights: Check out the big highlights and what happened on WWE Friday Night Smackdown Episode on 23rd Oct: The Crown Jewel fallout edition of Friday Night Smackdown aired from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, Kansas. The show kicked off with Roman Reigns calling out Brock Lesnar only to fall prey to the mayhem of the Beast Incarnate. Several other exciting segments and matches took place on the show. Do have a look,

Also Read: WWE Smackdown Match Card: Drew McIntyre to arrive next week on Friday Night Smackdown

Matches and events of the night

  • Roman Reigns kicks off the night
  • Brock Lesnar gets indefinitely suspended
  • Sami Zayn vs. Drew McIntyre
  • King Xavier’s Coronation Ceremony
  • Mansoor vs. Mustafa Ali
  • HitRow arrives
  • Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Happy Corbin
  • Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch to exchange their Titles

Also Read: WWE Smackdown: Is Brock Lesnar appearing on this week’s Smackdown?

Also Read: WWE Crown Jewel Results: Roman Reigns defeated Brock Lesnar in a controversial fashion

WWE Smackdown Results & Highlights: Brock Lesnar gets suspended indefinitely, Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch exchanged their titles

Read in Hindi: WWE Crown Jewel 2021 Results: गोल्डबर्ग ने बॉबी लैश्ले से लिया अपना बदला

WWE Smackdown- Smackdown Results and Highlights

Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch to exchange their Titles- Both the Women’s Champions were in the ring at the same time and Sonya Deville conducted the event. Sonya asked both the champions to exchange their titles. Both champions were not willing to do what Sonya Deville but finally after a sort of altercation, both champions exchanged their titles.

After the titles were exchanged, Charlotte asked Becky if she wants to be Becky 2 Belts she can fight her right now. Before Becky could have replied, Sasha Banks’ music hit and The Boss made her way to the ring. she reminded the two ladies that she is the one who runs the Blue brand and Becky Lynch then leave the ring saying that she will be facing either of the two at the Survivor Series.

Sasha and Charlotte exchanged words in the ring and after a while, The Boss laid an attack on Charlotte and beat her up. Sasha sent Charlotte outside the ring and launched on her with a diving double knee from the apron. Sonya Deville had to separate the two ladies and as the show was closed Sasha Banks was standing tall.



Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Happy Corbin- The two former rivals were renewing their rivalry again. The match started with a classic wrestling lock before Nakamura took command by hitting a running dropkick on Corbin down on the mat.

The champion looked in control and was taking out Corbin by his unorthodox offense. He applied his signature leg block on the lower corner post while Rick Boogs was playing the guitar. Nakamura then went to the top turnbuckle, but Corbin shrugged him off with a heavy right hand. After a momentary struggle on the apron, Corbin sent Nakamura down on the floor as we head into the commercial.

As we returned from the commercial, both men were inside the ring and it was Corbin who was in control. He floored Cobin with a vicious clothesline and went for a cover, but the champ kicked out at a close 2-count. Nakamura had some gas left and he came good with his offense. While Nakamura was blazing guns in the ring, Boogs was playing guitar on the outside.

Madcap Moss went to Boogs and grabbed his guitar. This forced Nakamura to slide out of the ring and attack Moss. Corbin came from behind and attacked Nakamura meanwhile Moss slammed Boogs into the barricade. Corbin then sent Nakamura into the ring and hit him with an End of Days to secure a victory.

WWE Smackdown- Smackdown Results and Highlights Happy Corbin pins Shinsuke Nakamura


Backstage- Sonya Deville gives an update on Adam Pearce’s condition after the latter was brutalized by the Beast Incarnate earlier in the show. Sonya revealed that Adam isn’t in a good shape but the show must go on.


HitRow in action- HitRow has arrived on the Blue brand and they are in action. Isaiah “Swerve” Scott and Top Dalla were in action against a rookie team of two Indie wrestlers. Top Dalla was dominant as his brutal power was on display.

Dala once took both the opponents on his back and front and slammed them on the mat in just one slam. Finally, a running boot on the head was all needed from Isaiah “Swerve” Scott to pin the rookie wrestlers.

WWE Smackdown- Smackdown Results and Highlights: HitRow won



Backstage- Ridge Holland, Aliyah, Humberto Carrillo & Angel Garza, and Sheamus introduce themselves as the new members of the Smackdown roster.


Mustafa Ali vs. Mansoor- Just when the bell rang, Mustafa Ali went straight into Mansoor to hit him with a dropkick, but Mansoor escaped harm’s way and started his offense for good. He sent Ali outside the ring and snapped him twice. He then rolled Ali inside the ring and went for a crossbody dive from the top turnbuckle.

Mansoor went for a pin but Ali survived. Ali then got an opportunity to hit a Powerbomb and attempted a pinfall, but it didn’t work for him. Ali was then rocked with a vicious clothesline and in the closing moments, Mansoor got Ali rolled up and Mansoor secured his second victory over Ali.

WWE Smackdown- Smackdown Results and Highlights: Mustafa Ali defeated Mansoor via Pinfall.



King Xavier’s Coronation Ceremony- It is time to coronate the newest King of WWE, King Xavier. Kofi Kingston is out to coronate his New Day brother. Kofi Kingston was the one conducting the ceremony and he called out King Xavier.

As usual, Xavier Woods came out all excited and Kofi Kingston took no time to make him wear the King’s cloak and then gave him the scepter. Finally, it was time for Kofi to present King Xavier with his coveted crown. King Xavier then took the opportunity to address his Kingdom (WWE Universe). Kofi was all over for King Xavier and made a new chorus for King Xavier and the New Day i.e., “All Hail King Woods.”



Sami Zayn vs. Drew McIntyre- Drew McIntyre’s open challenge was accepted by the self-proclaimed WWE Smackdown locker room leader Sami Zayn. As the bell rang, Sami started playing cat & mouse with McIntyre as he was escaping from the ring every now and then. Drew finally caught him and slammed him back-first into the barricade as we go into commercials.

As we returned from the commercial, both men were inside the ring, and surprisingly Drew McIntyre was under the pump as Sami was up with his offense. However, it wasn’t for long as Drew took Sami to the corner with some fierce right-hand strikes and followed it up with a belly-to-belly.

The Scottish Warrior had the upper hand now and he was using his offense with great effect. Drew charged himself for a Claymore, but Sami went outside and denied Drew his finisher. Drew tried to pull Sami from the outside but the Master Manipulator didn’t let that happen and attacked Drew with some vicious strikes on the back of Drew McIntyre.

After a few exchanges of offense, Sami set himself up to hit his Helluva Kick but mocked Drew by using his signature style of counting 3,2,1. Just when Sami ran into Drew, the Scottish Warrior delivered a vicious Claymore kick to end the match

WWE Smackdown- Smackdown Results and Highlights: Drew McIntyre defeated Sami Zayn via Pinfall



Backstage- Smackdown’s latest acquisition Drew McIntyre confronted Sonya Deville and said that he is going into the ring and issuing an open challenge to anyone to test the depth on the Blue brand.



Adam Pearce suspends Brock Lesnar- After the mayhem Brock Lesnar created by beating the hell out of Roman Reigns, The Usos, especially the officials and crew members. This led WWE official Adam Pearce to come in the ring and indefinitely suspend Brock Lesnar.

The news however didn’t go well for the Beast who walked out yet again and asked Adam Pearce to repeat what he just said. He grabbed Adam from the collar and then delivered two vicious F5’s that led the crowd to erupt in ecstasy.



Roman Reigns kicks off the night- Time to kick off Friday Night Smackdown with the Universal Champion Roman Reigns.

Roman Reigns straight away asked Paul Heyman that did he threw the title last night at Crown Jewel for him or Brock Lesnar. Reigns then went on to glorify himself and tell everyone how he has carried the company for the last one and a half years and how he has smashed each and everyone on his path.

Roman then named the superstars he has defeated in his path to glory, including Daniel Bryan, Edge, Cesaro, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, etc. Reigns continued his trash-talking and asked Paul Heyman to tell him what Brock Lesnar said while leaving Saudi Arabia. Paul took his phone out and started reading what Brock said. The Beast said, “The moment I arrive at Smackdown, I will beat Roman Reigns senseless.”

Roman then said that he is right here and Brock Lesnar can come out so that he can whoop his ass. Roman waited for a while but the Beas didn’t come out. Reigns then said that he isn’t leaving the ring until Brock Lesnar shows up.

Roman kept on waiting but Brock Lesnar didn’t come out. This made the crowd relentless and they started chanting, “we want Lesnar.” Roman Reigns wasn’t amused with the crowd and said that he also wants Lesnar. After a worthy waiting, Lesnar’s music hit, and the Beast Incarnate finally showed up.

Lesnar rushed into the ring and beat the hell out of Roman Reigns. He rocked him with his heavy strikes and lifted him for an F5 on the announce table, before smashing the steel stair on Roman’s skull. Just when Lesnar was about to put Roman down with an F5, The Usos came to their cousin’s aid.

Lesnar however took care of the Usos and send them over the barricade. He then turned his focus on Roman Reigns and completely decimated him. It was a mayhem that led Adam Pearce to call out the entire roster to stop Brock. Lesnar wasn’t keeping calm as he attacked the roster guys and also the officials and cameraman. Roman along with his cousins luckily escaped the carnage and it was Lesnar who made it to the ring held the Universal title and raised it in the air.


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