2023 World Cup fixtures to be announced ‘ASAP’: ICC CEO

2023 World Cup fixtures to be announced ‘ASAP’: ICC CEO

ICC CEO Geoff Allardice denies the delay in 2023 World Cup due to Pakistan's reluctance in playing in India

2023 World Cup: The schedule of ICC ODI World Cup 2023 could soon be out according to chief executive Geoff Allardice. The showpiece event is expected to start in about four months time in India, but the date and venues still remain unconfirmed. This is the first time such a long delay has happened during the announcement of the schedule of World Cup.

The schedule of the 2019 World Cup was announced on April 26, 2018, 13 months prior to the tournament opener. While the schedule of the 2015 World Cup was released on July 30, 2013, 18 months before the first match.

This year’s fixture though, still remains unknown. According to reports in ESPNcricinfo, the 2023 World Cup was scheduled to begin on October 5 to November 18, with last year’s finalists New Zealand and England playing the opening game. BCCI secretary Jay Shah had said the World Cup schedule would be announced during the World Test Championship (WTC) Final, but Allardice has still not committed to the news yet.

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2023 World Cup : Allardice confirms World Cup schedule soon to out

“I think even today (Wednesday) we might be receiving the schedule from the hosts, and we’ve just got a bit of consultation to do with all the participating teams and the broadcasters. Then we’ll be publishing that as soon as we possibly can,” Allardice said. “When we put on events, we very much work hand in hand with the hosts.

Allradice was also questioned if Pakistan’s reluctance to play the showpiece event in India has anything to do with the delay of the WC schedule. The ICC chief has denied the reason and said cant comment before the schedule is out.

“Until I see the schedule… I’m waiting, and I’m hoping that I’ll see something in the next day or two on that,” he said. “Our events team is very experienced at putting on cricket events in all different countries, and you control what you control.


Pakistan have their reservations about playing the showpiece in India. Not only that, but it also does not want to play matches against India at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. It has already conveyed the same to BCCI. However, these are just speculations, and nothing is confirmed yet from BCCI.

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