US Military Avoids Transgender Ban: UFC Veteran Gives Brutal Reaction To ‘Mentally ILL’ Section

US Military Avoids Transgender Ban: UFC Veteran Gives Brutal Reaction To ‘Mentally ILL’ Section

US Military Avoids Transgender Ban: UFC Veteran Gives Brutal Reaction To ‘Mentally ILL’ Section
US Military Avoids Transgender Ban: UFC News: In the midst of record-low military recruiting, the Biden administration overturned its predecessor’s prohibition on transgender people serving.  Follow UFC News Updates with InsideSports.IN. A new memo obtained by The Dossier on Tuesday claims that the Pentagon has granted transgender service members extraordinary privileges, including waivers from readiness […]

US Military Avoids Transgender Ban: UFC News: In the midst of record-low military recruiting, the Biden administration overturned its predecessor’s prohibition on transgender people serving.  Follow UFC News Updates with InsideSports.IN.

A new memo obtained by The Dossier on Tuesday claims that the Pentagon has granted transgender service members extraordinary privileges, including waivers from readiness standards and even the requirement to deploy.

The 34-page document, which is not classified but was not previously made public and represents updated guidance as of February, states that transgender servicemembers may obtain a waiver from both grooming and uniform standards in order to obtain the “real life experience” deemed necessary to continue with the medical transition.

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UFC Veteran Gives Brutal Reaction To ‘Mentally ILL’ Section While Referring The US Military Avoiding Transgender Ban

If they are having bad side effects from their hormone therapy, they can also request a waiver from the requirements for physical fitness, which can be renewed every six months.

If a service member is using cross-sex hormones during their transition, they may even completely avoid deployment. Throughout this time, they are regarded as “non-deployable” until their hormone mixture is deemed to have “stabilised” or for a minimum of 300 days. An individual might theoretically evade deployment for as long as their endocrine health reads as unstable, given that trans people continue taking those hormones for the rest of their life.

Morgan Ariel shared a post that stated the US would not reinstate a transgender ban in the US military and asked for people’s thoughts on the same.

To this UFC Veteran Jake Shields  tweeted on Twitter,” Why allow mentally ill people in the military”

The email explains that the military covers all medical costs associated with gender transition, from psychiatric counselling to “voice feminization surgery,” with a full transition expected to take between 9 and 18 months.

The author of the document, the Womack Army Medical Centre, acknowledges that Defence Department facilities are not equipped to carry out complicated procedures like vaginoplasty or phalloplasty, but it merely directs the medical professional to refer the patient to the military’s extensive network of civilian practitioners in place of those facilities.

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