Dabang Delhi K.C. competing in the Pro Kabaddi League. Led by Naveen Kumar Goyat and coached by Joginder Narwal, the team is owned by Radha Kapoor and hosts its home matches at the Thyagaraj Sports Complex in New Delhi. They claimed their first-ever VIVO Pro Kabaddi League title by defeating Patna Pirates in the final of the 2021–22 season.
Dabang Delhi full squad
Retained Players: Ashu Malik, Naveen Kumar, Vikrant, Ashish, Himmat Antil, Manu, Yogesh, Mohit, Sandeep.
New Players Bought: Ashish Narwal, Siddharth Desai, Md. Mijanur Rahman, Mohammad Baba Ali, Nitin Panwar, Brijendra Singh Chaudhary, Gaurav Chhillar, Himanshu, Rahul, Parveen, Rinku Narwal, Vinay.