WWE Raw Results & Highlights: RK-Bro are the Raw tag-team champs again, Kevin Owens called out Stone Cold ‘Steve Austin’ to end the night

WWE Raw Results & Highlights: RK-Bro are the Raw tag-team champs again, Kevin Owens called out Stone Cold ‘Steve Austin’ to end the night

WWE Raw Results and Highlights: Check out the big highlights and what happened on WWE Monday Night RAW Episode on March 8: WWE Raw aired live from Cleveland, Ohio and we witnessed some really good matches along with captivating segments. The night kicked off with the triple-threat Raw tag-team titles match and also featured Edge’s […]

WWE Raw Results and Highlights: Check out the big highlights and what happened on WWE Monday Night RAW Episode on March 8: WWE Raw aired live from Cleveland, Ohio and we witnessed some really good matches along with captivating segments. The night kicked off with the triple-threat Raw tag-team titles match and also featured Edge’s unhinged segment in the darkness. Apart from all this, many other interesting stuff was on display during the show. Check the show highlights here in this post. Follow WWE Live Updates and WWE Raw Live Updates on InsideSport.IN

Also Read: WWE News: Paul Heyman praises three-year-old Roman Reigns on his first-ever meet

  • Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins open the show
  • Triple threat Raw tag-team Championship match
  • 24/7 Championship- Dana Brooke vs Tamina
  • Miz TV- Logan Paul & Jerry “The King” Lawler
  • Bron Breakker & Tommaso Ciampa vs Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode
  • Omos vs. Apollo Crews
  • Edge’s explanation
  • Liv Morgan & Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella & Queen Zelina
  • Finn Balor vs Austin Theory
  • Kevin Owens segment

Also Read: WWE News: Brock Lesnar Reveals His Post Championship Plans

WWE Raw Results March 8, live blog & live streaming details: WWE Raw, follow live updates

Also Read: WWE Raw Live: Check Out the Line-up for This Coming Monday 

Kevin Owens segment- Kevin Owens is in the ring and he starts off by saying that he is officially not in Wrestlemania 38. But, he wants to host one of the most stupendous Kevin Owens show at Wrestlemania 38.

He then said he wants a perfect guest for his show, but who it can be? A Texas resident certainly, JBL, Booker T, or Shawn Michaels. Owens took the name off all these legends but also rip off the chances of either of them as his guest.

Owens finally ended the segment by calling out Stone Cold Steve Austin. He said that he wants Texas’ very own Stone Cold Steve Austin so that he could beat the hell out of him and hit a Stunner that would be remembered for years, and then pour a glass of milk on his lifeless body.

Will the legendary Stone Cold Steve Austin accept Owens’ challenge? Will he appear as the Special Guest on the Kevin Owens Show at Wrestlemania Saturday? We will find out probably next week.



Finn Balor vs Austin Theory- As the bell rang, Finn blasted Austin with multiple strikes. However, Theory retaliated soon and was on the attack now. After some back & forth strikes, Theory wore down Balor with her arms wrapped around his neck. The action continued and before heading into commercials, we saw Balor rebounding Theory’s face on the apron.

After the commercial, both men were in the ring and Theory went for a cover after nailing an athletic rolling dropkick. However, the champ kicked out on 2 counts. The two men were showcasing athleticism and precision was on point. We were witnessing a series of near falls, but none of the two men were willing to give up.

With a reverse neck breaker followed by a dropkick into the corner, Finn Balor set Theory for a Coup de Gras. Just when Balor climbed the top turnbuckle for his finisher, Damian Priest emerged out of nowhere and grabbed Balor from the throat to send him throat-first on the top rope.

WWE Raw Results: Finn Balor defeated Austin Theory via DQ

The match got disqualified with Priest’s interference. However, he ensured that he hit his new finisher on Balor. When Balor was incapacitated, Austin Theory came, hit his ACT finisher, and took a selfie with Balor.



Liv Morgan & Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella & Queen Zelina- Liv Morgan and Carmela started the proceedings of the match. Liv Morgan was all over Carmella right from the very first minute. Morgan tagged Rhea in and she also was all over Carmella. After taking some beating, Carmella finally tagged Queen Zelina, but she also felt the wrath of the Nightmare.

After some beating, Queen Zelina finally managed to hit a swinging DDT to Rhea and tagged Carmella. Rhea went outside near the steel stairs and got super kicked into the face by Carmella. Rhea’s skull ricocheted on the steel steps and we head into commercials.

After the commercials, we saw Rhea struggling against the Women’s tag-team champions. Carmella rebounded Rhea’s face off the canvas and she was feeling the heat. Carmella was ver the moon and was trash-talking to Liv Morgan. She almost forgot about Rhea who kicked her on the side of the face and tagged Liv Morgan.

Morgan was on fire now and she was taking out Queen Zelina for good as she got the tag from Carmella. In the closing moments, Carmella went near the announce desk and was busy talking to her fiance Corey Graves. She almost forgot about the match and Queen Zelina had no one to tag in her corner. Liv Morgan’s knee to the face followed by Rhea’s Rip Tide ended the match for the Women’s tag-team champs.

WWE Raw Results: Liv Morgan & Rhea Ripley defeated Queen Zelina & Carmella.



Backstage: Kevin Owens revealed that he has an idea for Wrestlemania 38 which he would reveal later in the night.



Edge’s explanation- Edge had a different entry this time around. His music hit for half a second but he came out to the ring in darkness with blue lights on while the music stopped. Edge was donning a suit that glorified his Heel persona. After walking the aisle, soon he was in the middle of the ring with a mic in his hand.

He started off by saying “You think You know me? Maybe not AJ” He then said that he knows AJ is at home and he will speak directly to him.

He said that whatever he did to AJ last week was for his good. He wanted to have the best version of AJ at Mania and maybe he has provoked AJ to be in the version everyone wants. Edge end the segment by saying “This is me I have never met before. This is a me I have fallen in love with.”



Omos vs. Apollo Crews- Surprisingly, the first blood was drawn by Apollo Crews with a dropkick, but Omos then made him pay with his power moves. While dealing with Crews, Omos had an eye on Commander Azeez, but it was all struggle for the Nigerian Apollo Crews.

Omos sent Crews outside the ring with a proper blow on the apron. He then rolled him back into the ring to end the match with a double arm chokeslam. It was all easy for Omos as he pinned Crews to win.

WWE Raw Results: Omos defeated Apollo Crews via Pinfall

After the match got over, Commander Azeez and Omos had a staredown in the middle of the ring.



Bron Breakker & Tommaso Ciampa vs Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode- Breakker and Roode started the proceedings of the match and soon we saw the NXT Champ taking Roode up for a vertical suplex. Breakker gave the tag to Ciampa and now the latter was wearing down Riddle for good.

His momentum, however, was halted with a glorious spine buster from Robert Roode. Rode then tagged in Ziggler who tried running into Breakker on the apron, but he smartly evaded him and pulled Tommaso Ciampa outside as we head into commercials.

After the commercials, we saw Tommaso Ciampa and Dolph Ziggler fighting it out in the ring and Ziggler was wearing him down. Ziggler then tagged in Roode who worked on Ciampa, but after a knee into the face, Ciampa managed to tag Breakker, meanwhile, Ziggler was tagged in by Roode.

Once Breakker was in the ring, he was all over Ziggler. He took out the veteran with a belly-to-belly first followed by a mid-air spine buster. In the closing moments of the match, Dolph tried going for a superkick, but Breakker converted it into a Powerslam and pinned Ziggler to win the match.

WWE Raw Results: Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa won via Pinfall.



Miz TV with Logan Paul & Jerry “The King” Lawler- The Miz is in his hometown Cleveland, and the crowd is all behind the hometown guy. He then welcomes another hometown boy to the show Logan Paul, who also happens to be The Miz’s partner at Wrestlemania 38.

Paul started off by saying that he is honored to be the tag partner of Miz, honored to be at Wrestlemania 38, and he is honored to be back home. The Miz then started disrespecting Dominik Mysterio by saying that he got his WWE contract thanks to Rey Mysterio.

The Miz had all the praise for Rey but was blaming Dominik by saying that whatever he has achieved in this industry is due to his father. After bragging about Dominik, The Miz introduced another Cleveland’s own Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.

After addressing Cleveland and praising them for everything, The Miz, all of a sudden started despising his hometown crowd when Jerry Lawler pitched the idea of having Wrestlemania in Cleveland. The Miz said that Cleveland isn’t a place for the winners to stay as champions like LeBron James and others left Cleveland after winning NBA and he will do the same after defeating The Mysterio’s at Wrestlemania 38.



Backstage: Kevin Patrick went to interview Rollins backstage, but Rollins didn’t utter a word as he was in complete trans and shell shocked after his earlier during the night.



24/7 Championship- Dana Brooke vs Tamina- As the bell rang, Tamina floored Dana Brooke with a takedown. She then went for a few strikes before throwing her to the corner. Daana Brooke did hit a moonsault elbow into the corner.

Dana’s offense was not troubling Tamina, and the latter went for the Walls of Jericho, but Dana converted it into a roll-up pin to secure a win over Tamina in this Championship match.

WWE Raw Results: Dana Brooke defeated Tamina



Triple threat Raw tag-team titles match- Chad Gable, Seth Rollins, and Riddle started the proceedings of the match. Gabe was taken out early on by Riddle and now it was Rollins dominating Riddle. After a few back & forth strikes, Rollins tagged Owens and he started off from where Rollins left.

Chad Gable was in action when he pulled Riddle outside the ring from beneath the lower rope and slammed him back-first on the outside. Gable then returned to the ring and exchanged a few blows with Owens, before the latter went for a middle-turnbuckle dive.

Rollins and Owens were on fire as they didn’t let Randy & Otis enter the scene, not even once. They were taking out almost everyone and clearing the ring. Rollins dived from between the ropes on the outside on Riddle and Rollins, and his move was followed by Owens who took the aerial route by diving on the outside on everyone from the top turnbuckle. Rollins rolled Gable inside the ring and Owens went for a frog splash followed by a cover, but Gable kicked out at 2 counts. We head into commercials.

After the commercials, we saw Rollins, Riddle, and Gable inside the ring with Riddle hitting kicks to the chest on both Gable and Rollins. Gable tagged in Otis for the first time during the match, and he started laying out everyone. He first sent Rollins outside and then nailed a body dive on Riddle.

Otis was wearing down Riddle and the latter was desperate to go to his corner and tag in Randy Orton. Riddle finally got an opportunity when Otis missed a body dive. Once Randy was in, he changed the complexion. He started clearing the ring by taking out everyone. A vicious DDT from the middle rope to Seth Rollins and the legal man Chad Gable. He went for an RKO on Gable but missed out.

He then went for an RKO on Rollins and nailed it perfectly. Just when he went for a cover, Kevin Owens pulled him out from underneath the bottom rope only to get slammed on the announce desk back-first by Randy. The Viper continued the same and slammed Gable back-first on the announce desk followed by slamming Otis with the aid of Riddle. We now head into commercials again.

After the commercial, we saw the two legal men Riddle and Gable fighting it out. Owens also joined them and took them out soon. Riddle tagged Randy and he took out Owens. After a while we saw Otis working on Riddle and with a middle turnbuckle dive followed by a reverse moonsault from Gable, Riddle found himself in trouble, but his day was saved by Rollins who broke the count at 2.

After a while, we saw an incredible superplex as Otis, Rollins, Owens, and Chad Gable were involved in it. After a perfect suplex, we saw a brawl among all the members of the three teams first inside and then on the outside. We had into yet another commercial.

After the commercial, we saw Rollins and Riddle in the ring, with Rollins setting up Riddle upside down on the top turnbuckle for a double leg stomp. Riddle then got Rollins almost in the triangle, but Gable broke it with a top turnbuckle dive.

In the closing moments of the match, the action got swift. Randy hit Gable with an RKO out of nowhere but was caught into a superkick from Owens. Otis came into the ring, but he was feasted with multiple superkicks from Owens and Rollins. In the end, Gable was hit with a stunner followed by a stomp from Rollins. Just when Rollins was going for a cover, Riddle sent him out and covered Gable to reclaim the Raw tag-team titles.

WWE Raw Results: RK-Bro wins the tag-team Titles (Riddle pinned Gable)

After the match got over, Rollins went into some sort of a trans as he was shell-shocked. On the other hand, Randy was elated with the win and the fact that he is going to Wrestlemania. He finally called Riddle his friend after the title win.



Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins open the show- Seth Rollins starts off on the mic by saying that he and his best pal (Owens) are just moments away from becoming the Raw tag-team champions. Rollins promises to take the title and go to Wrestlemania 38 and Kevin Owens agrees to his words.

Owens once again dragged in Dallas and the people of Dallas. He said that it would be miserable for him to go to Dallas during Wrestlemania 38, but the only blessing in disguise for him would be that he will be going to Dallas with his best friend Seth Rollins. Their segment got interrupted by the Raw tag-team Alpha Academy.

Chad Gable shooshed Owens and Rollins and on his way to the ring, he said that Alpha Academy’s defeat last week at the hands of Owens & Rollins was nothing but a fluke and it is not going to happen again. Now, it was time for the RK-Bro to make their way out to start the proceedings of Monday Night Raw with a triple-threat Raw tag-team match.


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