WWE SmackDown Results: Sami Zayn confronts Paul Haymen, Roman Reigns’ special message for the Usos, Tag Team Championship Results and more, Watch Highlights

WWE SmackDown Results: Sami Zayn confronts Paul Haymen, Roman Reigns’ special message for the Usos, Tag Team Championship Results and more, Watch Highlights

WWE SmackDown Results: and Highlights of 10th February:-Another week and another edition of Friday Night SmackDown is over. The episode was an action packed one. To begin with Sami Zayn confronted Paul Haymen and set the tone for the rest of the episode. WWE undisputed champion Roman Reigns also had a special message in store […]

WWE SmackDown Results: and Highlights of 10th February:-Another week and another edition of Friday Night SmackDown is over. The episode was an action packed one. To begin with Sami Zayn confronted Paul Haymen and set the tone for the rest of the episode. WWE undisputed champion Roman Reigns also had a special message in store for the Usos, delivered by Paul Haymen. In today’s action, The Usos win by pinfall , Lacey Evans wins by submission with the Cobra Clutch,Madcap Moss wins by pinfall with a diving elbow drop on Rey Mysterio, becoming number on contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship and More .Follow WWE SmackDown Live Updates & Watch WWE Smackdown Highlights with InsideSport.IN 

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results:- 

  • Banger Bros win by pinfall with a Brogue Kick from Sheamus on Ashante “Thee” Adonis.
  • The Usos win by pinfall with a diving splash from Jey Uso on Ricochet, retaining the

  • Lacey Evans wins by submission with the Cobra Clutch. 
  • Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez win by pinfall by Raquel powerbombing Liv into Chelsea Green.
  • Madcap Moss wins by pinfall with a diving elbow drop on Rey Mysterio, becoming #1 contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

Karrion Kross vs. Madcap Moss vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Santos Escobar (WWE Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender’s Match)

Kross with a hard whip into the corner for Mysterio, Escobar wants in but Karrion waves him off and dumps him to the floor! Rey recovers, off the ropes, Kross drops him with a big boot! Mysterio with a boot up, Santos in with chops, Rey gets tijeras on Karrion!

Moss returns, springboard crossbody, he catches Mysterio and fallaway slams him into Escobar! Shoulder thrusts corner to corner, Emma cheering him on! Kross charges in, drop toehold, Escobar tags him with a running knee and he falls to the floor! Rey and Santos face to face, whip across, drop down, la casadora blocked and Escobar nails him with a dropkick!

Knucklelock, over the ropes and to the apron, enzuigiri, Mysterio with a diving headscissors but Santos catches him with the quebradora for two! Kross trips him up, Escobar takes care of him but it just gives Rey room to set the 619 up! Kick blocks, fighting over the ropes, Rey uses him as a springboard to take Karrion out!

Escobar takes Moss out with a suicide dive and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Kross with a cover on Escobar for two! Northern lights suplex on Mysterio, Moss with a jawbreaker, off the ropes, big shoulder block! One for Santos too, and one for Rey as well! Karrion nails Madcap with an elbow but Moss returns fire with a spinebuster! Catching Santos, he floats over, victory roll for two!

Mysterio stalking Escobar, caught by a drop toehold, La Casita denied, sunset flip, roll through, Rey with a dropkick but Moss breaks it up! Back suplex, Kross takes Mysterio off his hands and gets taken out with a tornado DDT! Escobar hits the Phantom Driver on Rey… MADCAP MOSS BREAKS IT UP!

Up top with Santos, looking for an avalanche fallaway slam, Escobar turns him around… AVALANCHE FRANKENSTEINER! Cover for two! Lariat sends Santos to the floor, Rey back with a shoulder thrust, Kross blocks a sunset flip, powerbomb lift reversed into a Frankensteiner for the 619! Scarlett trips Rey up on the apron!

Kross with a northern forearm, cutting Moss off in the turnbuckles, Santos with a Cactus Clothesline, Madcap off the top…

Madcap Moss wins by pinfall with a diving elbow drop on Rey Mysterio, becoming #1 contender to the WWE Intercontinental Championship.


Michael Cole conducts a sit-down interview with Charlotte Flair.

Michael Cole conducts a sit-down interview with Charlotte Flair. He brings up her history with Rhea Ripley and Flair says three years ago Rhea was green and young and not ready, and now she says she’s ready? She would hope so! There are levels to this, as she said three years ago and she keeps saying. Flair says it’ll take more than three years to get Ripley on her level. Three years ago she didn’t put Rhea in her place, she taught her a lesson, and NOW she’s gonna put her in her place.


Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville vs. Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez

Morgan and Deville to start, a little back and forth off the ropes, Liv with a dropkick and a backsplash in the corner! Another one, then a rising knee connects and she perches up top, diving but Sonya cuts her down with a big knee! Tag to Green, she does the bare minimum and complains about it before tagging Deville back in.

Morgan gets away, tag to Rodriguez, big fallaway slam and she follows it with the corkscrew Vader Bomb… SONYA GETS A HAND ON THE ROPES! Chelsea in, Raquel sidesteps and she accidentally blasts Deville off the apron! One-arm powerbomb connects with a tag in the middle!

Oblivion connects and then Raquel lifts Liv up…

Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez win by pinfall by Raquel powerbombing Liv into Chelsea Green.

Sami Zayn Acknowledged Jey Uso

We head outside the arena and see Jey walking around. Sami Zayn approaches Jey and says he can’t imagine that Reigns will let him forget that he walked out at “Royal Rumble”. Zayn says they are on the verge of taking down Reigns, and all he wants to tell Jey is that he doesn’t have to go down with the ship. He says he doesn’t know if they’ll be able to talk to him, and says he acknowledges him. Jey tells Zayn to leave before anyone catches them before the two men fist bump one another.

Natalya, Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler Meet Face To Face

Natalya says it feels great to be back on “SmackDown” and a participant in the Women’s Elimination Chamber, then says there has been something weighing heavy on her. She says for the first time in fifteen years, she was injured by Shayna Baszler. She says since Baszler took something from her, she took something from her: her spot in the Chamber. She says Baszler will go back to Ronda Rousey’s bags.

Baszler says she is tired of everyone dismissing her accomplishments, then says the truth is that she was fighting before Rousey and competing in rings before she did. She says she won titles before Rousey and says she doesn’t need anyone telling her that she’s living in Rousey’s shadow.

Rousey’s music hits and she marches down to the ring, marking her return to “SmackDown”! She stares down Baszler, then looks to attack Natalya. Baszler stops her, then clocks Natalya. Rousey joins in on the attack, but Shotzi runs down to the ring to help Natalya out. Baszler and Rousey get the better of her, and send her out of the ring. Rousey then holds Natalya in place and Baszler delivers a knee to her.

Braun Strowman & Ricochet vs. the Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) (c) (WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship)

Jey and Ricochet to start, Uso with a wristlock, Ricky gets out, headlock, shot off, shoulder block, ones up, off the ropes, drop down, roll over, roll under, backflip, big forearm! Ricochet staggering, but he turns things around on Jimmy and tags Braun in!

Strowman with a hard whip into the turnbuckles, quick tag, he throws Ricochet into Jimmy and then a Stinger Splash and an elbow for two! Jey tags in, pop-up Samoan drop, superkcik sends the One and Only to the floor and we go to break.

Post break Jimmy and Jey are punching down Ricochet in the corner. Jey is the legal man and floors Ricochet with a right hand. Jimmy tags in, goes for a hip attack but Ricochet intercepts him with a kick and both men are stunned. Ricochet reaches for a tag, Jimmy tries to stop him but Ricochet lands a springboard crossbody and again both men are down.

Now we get the double tag and Braun runs wild on Jey for a bit. Braun gets low bridged by Jey, then Jey lands a super kick and dives onto Braun the lands another super kick to send him back into the ring. Jey with a diving crossbody in the ring but only gets 2 on Braun. Braun scoops up Jey but Jey slides off the shoulders and lands a super kick, Braun staggers to his corner and Ricochet tags in to run wild, including a lionsault and a running Shooting Star Press for a 2 count.

Blind tag from Jimmy as Jey eats a spin kick, then Jimmy with an enziguri to Ricochet but Braun tags in blind and hits the running powerslam. Braun tags in Ricochet and they set for the assisted Swanton Bomb, which connects but Jey breaks up the pin to save the match. Braun heads out of the ring to run over Jey, but Jey ducks and Braun wipes out over the announce table.

Back in the ring Ricochet dives onto Jey then heads up top to try and take out Jimmy, but Jimmy catches him on the top with a right hand. Jimmy goes for a superplex, but Jey shows up for a blind tag. Ricochet shoves Jimmy down and hits a gorgeous Shooting Star Press but Jey flies in with a Splash to Ricochet and gets the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: The Usos retained the titles

Again Jimmy Uso calls and gets only voicemail.

Paul Heyman is right there and Jimmy gives him the full rundown of all his attempts to call him and says he can’t defend the tag titles with no partner. Paul asks him respectfully why he didn’t come help when Sami Zayn “held him hostage” earlier. Jimmy says he’s been trying to get ahold of Jey and Solo isn’t here.

Uso asks Paul to have his back and Heyman tells him he’s on his own. Jimmy says Jey will be here tonight, and we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a recap of last week’s qualifier for the women’s Elimination Chamber match.

Sonya Deville is kvetching about not being on the card at Adam Pearce but he’s not having it.

Chelsea Green rolls up to want to formally file a complaint against the Raw manager. Adam says he’s the same guy for both jobs and Chelsea claims that she has facial amnesia and claims discrimination. She tries to form an alliance but Sonya says there’s no “we” here.

Pearce books the two of them in a tag against Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez.

Through entrances and introductions, we have no sign of Jey Uso and Jimmy is announced as defending the titles on his own— BUT JEY USO IS HERE AT THE LAST MINUTE, ENTERING TO SILENCE THROUGH THE CROWD!

Carmen Harress vs. Lacey Evans

This is of course a squash designed to showcase the new-look Lacey Evans, throwing Harress (who you may know as indie wrestler B3CCA) around, doing push-ups, etc…

Lacey Evans wins by submission with the Cobra Clutch.

Banger Bros (Drew McIntyre & Sheamus) def.Hit Row (Ashante “Thee” Adonis vs. Top Dolla)

McIntyre and Adonis begin the action. The bell rings and Adonis gets in McIntyre’s face. McIntyre responds with a Glasgow Kiss and a Belly-to-Belly suplex, then sets up for the Claymore Kick. Top Dolla pulls Adonis out of the ring as Sheamus tags in. Sheamus delivers a shoulder tackle to Adonis on the outside, then gets him back inside. Adonis manages to deliver a dropkick, but Sheamus fires back with an Irish Curse Backbreaker. He sets up for the Ten Beats of the Bodhran, but Top Dolla pulls Adonis out of the way. Sheamus then delivers the Ten Beats to Top Dolla before delivering White Noise to Adonis. McIntyre levels Top Dolla with the Claymore Kick when he tries to save Adonis once again, and Sheamus delivers with the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winners: Sheamus and Drew McIntyre

After the match, a video from The Viking Raiders and Valhalla begins playing on the Titan Tron. They say that Sheamus and McIntyre will meet their destiny next week.

We head backstage to Jimmy Uso on the phone looking for Jey Uso. He tells his brother to call him back when he gets his message.

Heyman introduces himself and says he’s here tonight to drop a few pearls of wisdom. He says he doesn’t offer predictions, but rather spoilers and says he has a few of them tonight. Heyman says “The Island of Relevancy” is under a two pronged attack from Sami Zayn and Cody Rhodes. He says Zayn is unhinged, and that his first spoiler of the evening is that Zayn is not in Uncasville. He asks the WWE Universe if they can see him as Universal Champion, then addresses Rhodes. He mocks Rhodes, then says he didn’t know Dusty Rhodes “raised an idiot for a son.” He says things between them couldn’t be more personal, and says the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship is the crowning jewel of The Bloodline. He says without the two titles, there is no Bloodline, Paul Heyman, or Roman Reigns.

Zayn suddenly appears behind Heyman in a black hoodie. Heyman turns around to see him as Zayn stares at the “WrestleMania 39” sign. Zayn asks for Heyman to give him the mic, and Heyman does so. Zayn then tells Heyman to calm down because he’s nervous, then says he won’t hurt him. He says if he wanted to, he could’ve done so by now. Zayn says no one is in the ring with him to protect him, but if it were a month ago, there would be. He questions why this is the case, then provides an answer: Reigns’ days as Universal Champion are numbered. He says Jey Uso chose to walk out, then asks why Jimmy Uso will do next: side with Reigns or his twin brother. He asks what will happen with Solo Sikoa when Reigns realizes he can think for himself, then asks what will happen to Heyman. He asks Heyman if there will be life after Reigns, then says The Bloodline is on its way out of WWE. Zayn says he knows Heyman doesn’t do predictions but rather spoilers, then tells him Reigns has eight days left as Universal Champion.

The two men stare one another down before Zayn tells Heyman to inform Reigns he doesn’t need to worry about Rhodes because he will be the one to take Reigns down.


Also Read: Has Roman Reigns won an Elimination Chamber match in his WWE career ever? Check details

Where will WWE SmackDown take place?

WWE SmackDown will take place this Friday Night at the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut.

When will WWE SmackDown get started? Date.

This week’s WWE SmackDown will take place on 10th February 2023. (11th February in India).

When will WWE SmackDown get started? Time.

For Indian viewers, WWE SmackDown will start at 06:30 AM tomorrow (11th February).

Where to Watch WWE SmackDown Live Streaming?

The live streaming of WWE SmackDown takes place on the FOX Network for fans in the United States and on WWE Network for fans elsewhere. Indian viewers can enjoy WWE SmackDown LIVE on the Sony Sports Network channels. The viewers can tune into Sony Ten 1/HD for English, Sony Ten 3/HD for Hindi, and Sony Ten/4HD for Tamil & Telugu commentary. Web users can log in to www.sonyliv.com.

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