UFC News: Michael Bisping and Jake Paul fires tweeted shots at each other

UFC News: Michael Bisping and Jake Paul fires tweeted shots at each other

UFC News: Michael Bisping vs Jake Paul Twitter War-  Jake Paul has been one of the biggest and upcoming name in boxing and is constantly involved in beefs with Dana White and other UFC fighters like Conor McGregor, Jorge Masvidal and the most recent name to join the Twitter war against Jake Paul is Michael […]

UFC News: Michael Bisping vs Jake Paul Twitter War-  Jake Paul has been one of the biggest and upcoming name in boxing and is constantly involved in beefs with Dana White and other UFC fighters like Conor McGregor, Jorge Masvidal and the most recent name to join the Twitter war against Jake Paul is Michael Bisping. Follow UFC and UFC News Updates on InsideSport.IN

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UFC News: Michael Bisping and Jake Paul fires tweeted shots at each other

UFC News: Michael Bisping and Jake Paul fires tweeted shots at each other

UFC News: Michael Bisping and Jake Paul fires tweeted shots at each other

UFC News: Michael Bisping vs Jake Paul Twitter War- Jake Paul is rising name in the Boxing field and Michael Bisping is a retired UFC Veteran and a former Middleweight Champion. Jake Paul has fought and knocked out two former UFC fighters named Ben Askren and the five time UFC Champion Tyron Woodley.

Michael Bisping has not fought a single match since retiring back in 2018 and a Boxing match against Jake Paul can definitely be in his bucket list as that fight means a lot of money and all this twitter war could be a possible build-up for that.

UFC News: Michael Bisping and Jake Paul fires tweeted shots at each other

Twitter War: Jake Paul recently revealed a hit list he has for his Boxing return with Michael Bisping’s name on it to which Bisping responded with “You do know I’m about your size? Surely that excludes me from your hit list” taking a shot at Jake Paul for fighting smaller fighters than him.

Jake Paul called out Bisping as an easy fight and even trolled his prosthetic right eye to which Bisping said he has earned World titles and respect of fight community, something Jake Paul would never do.

 Paul then posted a video of him trolling Michael Bisping and calling him out to quit his Podcast and fight him in a Boxing match. As expected this is probably a build up for another Boxing match against a UFC fighter.

UFC News: Michael Bisping and Jake Paul fires tweeted shots at each other

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